
Known customers by month 6


Click rate for AI email campaigns


Increase in attributable revenue by year 2

Contactwin is an AI platform for customer experience + growth

CT gathers and fuses data from all your systems,
creates unbelievably rich customer profiles called Digital Twins,
and activates them for marketing, engagement, and more.

Marketing like never before

Contactwin’s powerful AI brings creative ideas to life.

The marketing team gets rich data and research-backed tags to get outsized results. AI supports top-level strategies as well as individual-level personalization.

Comprehensive metrics allow data-driven optimization.

Best of all, all this is easy to do in Contactwin.

Customer experience

Digital Twins are hyper-accurate and comprehensive — allowing you to serve your customers much better.

Research-backed journeys and individual-level personalization take care of your customers with respect and efficiency.

Twinal can be configured to your brand voice, taking your customer experience to the next level.

True loyalty and gamification

Loyalty is a relationship, not tiers-and-discounts.

Contactwin’s advanced AI delivers exciting experiences in your brand’s voice, personalized engagements, and multiple types of incentives (not just discounts).

Our focus on fun, value, individualization, and brand fosters loyalty.

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